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clutch fans for cars

Clutch fan: The clutch fan helps protect the engine from overheating. During their operation, engines get hot just as you sweat when doing hard exercising. Heat from the engine can cause damage to vital parts of your engine. The clutch fan aid with blowing cool air over the engine, to help cool. This is the reason why your car has that very important part called a clutch fan to make sure it stays good and moves just fine.

The engine works best for a long time, and this is because of the Clutch fan. The cooler it is when the engine fires up, the more power can exist to move your car quicker - think of an athlete running their fastest race;) This is the reason why you need to care about clutch fan. This allows for greater performance of your car, which also makes driving a lot more fun.

How Clutch Fans Improve Your Engine's Performance

There are mainly two types of clutch fans: fixed and non-fixed. A fixed clutch fan is a type of mechanical #fan that operates at the same speed, regardless of temperatures. This means it could be blowing hot air over your engine even when its cold outside! Whereas, a non-fixed clutch fan only turns on after the engine has heated up and needs to be cooled down.

Older vehicles may benefit from solid clutch fans, as they have a strong following having been around for years. This keeps the engine cool but they really do too good of a job. While non-fixed clutch fans work out much better for cars of today because they only operate as needed, this feature actually saves power and in turn makes the engine a lot more efficient. The right clutch fan can vary by car, and in which course of action is best for your ride.

Why choose AOWO clutch fans for cars?

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