- Varstvo okolja
Zmanjšane emisije izpušnih plinov
- Zmanjšanje hrupa
Naj bo tovornjak tih, ko deluje
- Absorpcija udarcev
Podaljšajte življenjsko dobo motorja in lopatic ventilatorja
OEM: | 188922A1 |
Vrsta nadzora: | Tip vozila: | |||
Garancija: | 12 mesecev | Znamka: | PRIMER IH | |
Država izvora: | Jiangsu; Kitajska | Model: | ||
Velikost: | Originalni standard | AW NE: | 160 |
QC: | 1, preverjanje vzorcev | |||||
2, Pred množično proizvodnjo, preverjanje materiala in preverjanje modela | ||||||
3, Tehniki se sami preverjajo v proizvodnji | ||||||
4, Inženir na kraju samem | ||||||
5, testiranje delovanja izdelkov | ||||||
6, preverjanje pakiranja | ||||||
7, Ponovno preverjanje pred pošiljanjem |
V2: Koliko let je vaše podjetje na področju poslovanja z avtomobilskimi deli? Ker 2006
V3: Kaj pa garancija za vaše izdelke? 100 KM ali 000 leto
V4: Kakšna je poslovna linija vašega podjetja? Dobavljamo celotno paleto ventilatorskih sklopk in ventilatorskih lopatic za tovorna vozila. Večinoma za Euro Truck, ruski tovornjak, japonski tovornjak, kitajski tovornjak, gradbene stroje, kmetijske stroje
V5: V katere države ste bili izvoženi? Evropejci, Srednji vzhod, Azija, Afrika, Amerika, Južna Amerika
V6: Kaj pa dobavni rok? Na splošno imamo zalogo. blago lahko dostavi v 7 dneh, za množično naročilo je naš proizvodni načrt 30-45 dni
V7: Ali lahko prilagodite škatlo za pakiranje zame? Ja, seveda lahko. Poleg tega je AOWO naše blagovne znamke. Paketi so barvni paketi blagovnih znamk, visoke kakovosti
V8: Ali imate kakšen certifikat? ISO9001, TS16949 bo letos končan. Če imate še kakšno vprašanje, nam pišite
The 1313010-65D Visco Fan Clutch Cooling System Fan Drive will be the solution ideal any Chinese truck owner who is in search of a simple yet effective and reliable cooling system with regards to their vehicle. Made to regulate the warmth of your truck's motor by giving the mandatory cooling required to ensure smooth and engine performance that is optimal. Made of top-quality materials that guarantee longevity and durability. They are manufactured to withstand the harsh problems that vehicle drivers face on the road including extreme climate and terrain that is rough. This product is made to provide airflow that is optimal this is certainly crucial in keeping the engine cool during long hauls and extended periods of good use. Established especially for Chinese vehicles. Its design implies that it fits seamlessly to your truck's motor supplying exemplary performance that is cooling. Not hard and user-friendly to set up therefore you may have it up and operating right away. High effectiveness. Optimizes the airflow in your motor that will cause reduced gas usage not as maintenance. This system offers a competent and cost-effective cooling solution that will help save you cash in the run this is certainly very long. Developed to reduce noise levels. Its optimized design implies that this product runs quietly leading up to an even more content experience that is driving the driver and folks alike