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Vodna črpalka iz Kitajske.

Vodna črpalka iz Kitajske.

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Water Pump - Developed To Maintain Your Water Moving


You will get water from an area to a different AOWO Water Pump from China could be the item perfect you personally if you're buying a dependable and top-notch water pump which can help. This effective and water this is efficient is built to keep your water moving making your needs for water shall always met. Whether you'll need a pump for your house farm irrigation or requirements AOWO commercial Water will deliver.


Designed with quality and durability in your mind the AOWO Water Pump is made of top-grade materials example cast iron stainless and thermoplastic. These materials are very engineered to withstand the absolute most challenging of surroundings and final for a time long. The AOWO Water Pump can go big volumes of water quickly and effortlessly having a capacity to handle just as much as 158 gallons every single minute.


The AOWO Water Pump is user-friendly it's quite simple to put in and run. This water pump features a design tough mean smooth procedure without causing any disruptions. Its construction this is stable additionally vibrations leakages or some other discomforting noises.


Plus, the AOWO Water Pump was made insurance firms a function self-priming assists it to construct a cleaner that expels atmosphere from the consumption hose. This particular feature means that your water pump can be ready and primed to have which means you need not repeat this manually. This preserving time and effort and offers you with additional convenience.


The AOWO group helps to ensure that their water pumps are certified and tested for quality assurance in addition employing their dedication to quality. with over twenty several years of expertise to the water pump industry it is possible to trust AOWO to provide products about the greatest criteria.


the AOWO Water Pump is a dependable top-quality and water efficient great for both domestic and usage commercial. It's developed to final a guarantee is included by it standard helps to make sure that you could possibly get value for your money. The AOWO Water Pump provides performance this is fantastic could be the perfect solution for all you water motion requirements. Choose AOWO and acquire water pump most beneficial from China today.


Suzhou Aowo Auto

 Predstavitev in lastnosti izdelka



Zakaj uporabljati ventilatorsko sklopko?
- Varčevanje z energijo
5 % prihranek energije v primerjavi s kolesi.
- Varstvo okolja
Zmanjšajte emisije izpušnih plinov.
- Zmanjšanje hrupa
Naj tovornjak deluje tiho.
- Absorpcija udarcev
Increase engine and fan blade life

Predstavitev podjetja

Suzhou aowo Auto Parts Co., Ltd. was founded in 2008, in this long time, the company continues to develop and grow, accumulated rich industry experience, and now has fully equipped with the overall production capacity from parts to finished products. The main production fan blade, fan clutch, water pump, fan assembly. The product model coverage is complete, and the product model types reach 3000+, which can meet your needs with a high probability
We are a research and development, production, sales in one of the large enterprises. Strong R&D team is committed to developing innovative and competitive products; Efficient production department to ensure timely supply of products; Professional sales team to provide customers with quality services and solutions. We are guided by customer demand, driven by scientific and technological innovation, and constantly pursue excellence to create greater value for customers

Ustrezen certifikat





Opravil je certifikat ISO/9001, certifikat ISO14001: 2015 za sistem ravnanja z okoljem, IATF16949: 2016 certifikat za sistem vodenja kakovosti in ima v lasti certifikat visokotehnološkega podjetja in certifikat patenta za izum itd.

Razstave in stranke

  • 14131517

  • Prikaz embalaže

  • Izbirate lahko med štirimi možnostmi pakiranja1. Prilagojena barvna škatla za stranke
    2. Nevtralna škatla
    3. Škatla AOWO
    4. Lesen zaboj

    Velikost pakiranja je razdeljena na: eno škatlo 17 * 17 * 17 cm, dve škatli 27 * 27 * 17 cm, štiri škatle 51 * 51 * 17 cm

    (Velikost je samo za referenco, kontaktirajte nas za določeno velikost) 

  • 522

  • V1: Ali ste trgovsko podjetje ali tovarna?
    Tovarna. Že več kot 20 let se osredotočamo na hladilne sisteme motorjev. In naši izdelki imajo samo sklopke ventilatorja in lopatice ventilatorja. Izvajamo jih profesionalno
    V2: Koliko let se vaše podjetje ukvarja z avtomobilskimi deli?
    Začetek od 2006.
    V3: Kakšna je vaša garancija za izdelek?
    100000 kilometrov ali 1 leto.
    V4: Kakšna je poslovna linija vašega podjetja?
    Ponujamo celotno paleto ventilatorskih sklopk in ventilatorskih lopatic za tovornjake. Uporablja se predvsem za evropske tovornjake, ruske tovornjake, japonske tovornjake, kitajske tovornjake, gradbene stroje in kmetijske stroje.
    V5: V katere države ste izvažali?
    Evropa, Bližnji vzhod, Azija, Afrika, Amerika, Južna Amerika.
    Q6: Kakšen je čas dostave?
    Kot tovarna imamo zaloge. Dostavimo lahko v 7 dneh. Za množična naročila je naš proizvodni načrt 30-45 dni.
    V7: Ali mi lahko prilagodite embalažno škatlo?
    Ja, seveda lahko.
    Poleg tega je Aowo naša blagovna znamka in ima visoko kakovostno embalažo.
    V8: Ali imate potrdilo?
    ISO9001, ISO14001: 2015, IATF16949: 2016


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