Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
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Bosh sahifa >  Mahsulotlar

Sovutish tizimi yuk mashinasi qismlari visko fan debriyaji 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 M-Benz uchun

Sovutish tizimi yuk mashinasi qismlari visko fan debriyaji 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 M-Benz uchun

  • haqida umumiy ma'lumot
  • so'rov
  • Shu Mahsulotlar
Mahsulot batafsil
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz supplier

Nima uchun fan debriyajidan foydalanish kerak
- Energiyani tejash
Compared with Hub saving 5% energy.

- atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish
Reduced exhaust emissions.

- Shovqinni kamaytirish
Make the truck low noise when it working.

- Shokni yutish
Dvigatel va fan pichoqning ishlash muddatini oshiring
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz details
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz manufacture
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz manufacture
Boshqarish turi:

Avtomobil turi:

12 oy

Ishlab chiqaruvchi mamlakat; ta'minotchi mamlakat:
Jiangsu; Xitoy

Asl standart

Mahsulot mahsuloti

To'plam turi

1. Neytral quti;
2. Aowo qutisi;
3. Buyurtmachining dizayni;
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz manufacture

Neytral quti

Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz factory

Aowo qutisi

Nima uchun bizni tanlashimiz kerak
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz manufacture
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz supplier
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz factory
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz manufacture

Qattiq ishlab chiqarish jarayoni

1, namunani tekshirish

2, ommaviy ishlab chiqarishdan oldin, materiallarni tekshirish va modelni tekshirish

3, Texniklar ishlab chiqarishda o'zini o'zi tekshiradi

4, muhandis joyini tekshirish

5, Mahsulotlar funksiyasini tekshirish

6, qadoqlashni tekshirish

7, jo'natishdan oldin yana tekshirish

Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz factory
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz details
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz details
Sinov mashinasi
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz details

Ishlash test dastgohi

Mahsulotlarimiz sifatini ta'minlash uchun ishlab chiqarilgandan so'ng sinovdan o'tkaziladi
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz details

Dasturlashtiriladigan doimiy harorat va namlikni tekshirgich

Rulmanlar, faol miller va boshqa komponentlarning ishlashi yuqori sifatli mahsulotlar talablariga javob berish uchun doimiy harorat va namlik sinov qurilmasi tomonidan sinovdan o'tkaziladi.
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz manufacture

Kompleks samaradorlik sinovchisi

Mijozlarga eng yaxshi mahsulot tajribasini taqdim etish uchun mahsulot ishlashining bir nechta jihatlarini sinab ko'ring
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz supplier
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz supplier
Cooling system truck parts visco fan clutch 0002008622 5412001122 5412001822 for M-Benz manufacture
S1-savol: Siz savdo shirkati yoki zavodmisiz?
Factory. We focus on engine cooling system more than 20 years. and our products only fan clutch and fan blade. we are professional for it.
2-savol: Sizning kompaniyangiz avtomobil qismlari biznesi sohasida necha yildan beri ishlaydi? 2006 beri
3-savol: Kafolat haqida nima deyish mumkin? mahsulotlaringiz uchunmi?
100 000 KM yoki 1 yil.
4-savol: Sizning kompaniyangizning biznes yo'nalishi qanday?
We supply full range of fan clutch and fan blade for Truck. Mostly for Euro Truck, Russia Truck, Japaneses Truck, Chinese Truck,
Construction Machine, Agricultural machinery.
5-savol: Siz qaysi mamlakatlarga eksport qilingansiz?
Yevropaliklar, Oʻrta Sharq, Osiyo, Afrika, Amerika, Janubiy Amerika.
6-savol: Yetkazib berish muddati haqida nima deyish mumkin?
Umuman olganda, bizda zaxira mavjud. Tovarni 7 kun ichida etkazib berishi mumkin, ommaviy buyurtma uchun bizning ishlab chiqarish rejamiz 30-45 kun.
7-savol: Men uchun qadoqlash qutisini sozlay olasizmi?
Ha, albatta mumkin.
Besides, AOWO is our brands. The packages are brands color package, high quality.
8-savol: Har qanday sertifikat bormi?
ISO9001, TS16949 bu yil yakunlanadi.
Agar sizda boshqa savol bo'lsa, iltimos, bizga xabar bering



Introducing the Cooling System Truck Parts Visco Fan Clutch by the ultimate solution to keeping your M-Benz truck running smoothly and efficiently. Specially designed to regulate the temperature in your engine and keep it from overheating while on the road.


Crafted with precision engineering and made from durable materials. Built to AOWO withstand the toughest conditions and will last for years to come. Its advanced technology ensures that your engine runs at optimum temperatures preventing any damage that could be caused by overheating while making sure your vehicle stays on the road longer.


The 0002008622 5412001122 and 5412001822 models are compatible with a wide range of M-Benz trucks and have been designed to deliver maximum performance. Every product is tested before it is shipped out to ensure that it meets the highest quality standards and performs flawlessly.


Installation is simple and straightforward and it can easily be done by anyone with basic mechanical knowledge. Designed to be a direct replacement for your existing fan clutch so there won't be any need to make any complicated adjustments.


Manufactured by AOWO a trusted name in the automobile industry this is a product that you can rely on. With over 10 years of experience in producing high-quality auto parts and accessories AOWO has established a reputation for excellence and is dedicated to providing its customers with the best products on the market.


This is a product that you can count on. With its high-quality construction and advanced technology, it will keep your engine running smoothly and efficiently saving you time and money in the long run.


Hozir o'zingiznikini oling.



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