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Bosh sahifa >  Mahsulotlar

Zavodning to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotilishi yaxshi narx 541200122 M-BENZ yuk mashinasi uchun dvigatel sovutish tizimi fan debriyaji

Zavodning to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotilishi yaxshi narx 541200122 M-BENZ yuk mashinasi uchun dvigatel sovutish tizimi fan debriyaji

  • haqida umumiy ma'lumot
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  • Shu Mahsulotlar



The Factory direct sales good price 541200122 Engine cooling system fan clutch for M-BENZ truck. This fan clutch is initiated specifically for use within M-BENZ trucks meaning it is tailored to generally meet the original needs of this motor car models.


Using a fan clutch is important for managing engine temperature and preventing overheating. It will make it possible to control the cost for the cooling fan therefore it simply runs because quickly as it is important to cool the engine. This decreases energy use and signifies that the engine doesn't be too cool or too hot.


The AOWO 541200122 Engine system clutch cooling only a factory-direct product this implies it comes down appropriate through the maker it's maybe not at the mercy of the markups which will have buying through the shop. This leads to big savings financial purchasers who wants to avoid prices filled. Moreover, the conventional associated with the item is guaranteed because it is coming straight through the supply.


The fan clutch is manufactured AOWO elements using are high-quality which means that it's developed and durable to last. It's a consideration essential whoever would like to avoid being forced to replace the fan clutch usually. The AOWO Factory direct sales good price 541200122 Engine cooling system fan clutch for M-BENZ truck made to withstand use hefty to do reliably in possibly the numerous demanding surroundings.


One of many great things about the AOWO 541200122 Engine system clutch air conditioning the fact it is possible to install. This implies car owners and mechanics will have it and running quickly without any procedures being complicated without needing to lose quality or performance.


The AOWO 541200122 Engine system cooling clutch is an investment wonderful it comes down seriously to affordability. It gives almost all of the benefits of other more fan priced high but by having an inexpensive. This could be suitable for budget-conscious purchasers that do not desire to compromise on quality.


Mahsulot tavsifi

Zavodning to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotilishi yaxshi narx 541200122 M-BENZ yuk mashinasi detallari uchun dvigatel sovutish tizimi fan debriyaji

Factory direct sales good price 541200122 Engine cooling system fan clutch for M-BENZ truck supplier

Zavodning to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotilishi yaxshi narx 541200122 M-BENZ yuk mashinasi detallari uchun dvigatel sovutish tizimi fan debriyaji

almashtirish/ta'mirlash uchun
Fan debriyaj
12 oy
Kelib o'rni
Tovar nomi
OEM standart o'lchami
Avtomobil modeli
M-BENZ uchun

Paket va etkazib berish

Factory direct sales good price 541200122 Engine cooling system fan clutch for M-BENZ truck supplier

Zavodning to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotilishi yaxshi narx 541200122 M-BENZ yuk mashinasi detallari uchun dvigatel sovutish tizimi fan debriyaji

Kompaniya Profili
Suzhou Aowo Auto Parts Co., Ltd. 2006 yilda tashkil etilgan bo'lib, rivojlanayotgan port shahri, Germaniyaga tegishli sanoat parki, Taicang shahri, Suzhou, Jiangsu viloyatida joylashgan. Biz asosan mexanik ishlov berish va ishlab chiqarish bilan shug'ullanamiz. 2010 yilda kompaniya avtomobil silikon moyli debriyajlarni ishlab chiqish va ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan. Professional ishlab chiqarish liniyalari, sinov uskunalari va laboratoriya uskunalari bilan biz mahsulotimizning ishlashi va sifatini kafolatlay olamiz. Ko'p yillik rivojlanishdan so'ng biz Auman, Scania, Volvo, Steyr, Cummins, Renault, Iveco, North Mercedes uchun yuk mashinalari fan debriyajlarini, shuningdek BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Nissan, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Isuzu va boshqa seriyali yengil avtomobillar uchun silikon moyli debriyajlarni ishlab chiqdik. Mahsulotlar Yevropa, Amerika, Yaqin Sharq, Rossiya va boshqa mintaqalarga eksport qilinadi
1. biz kimmiz?
Biz Xitoyning Jiangsu shahrida joylashganmiz, 2016 yildan boshlab, G'arbiy Evropaga (30.00%), Ichki bozorga (30.00%), Janubiy Amerikaga (15.00%), O'rta Sharqqa (5.00%), Shimoliy Amerikaga (5.00%), Janubiy Evropaga (5.00%), Janubiy Osiyoga (4.00%), Sharqiy Evropaga (3.00%) (3.00%) sotamiz. Bizning ofisimizda jami 11-50 kishi bor.

2. sifatni qanday kafolatlashimiz mumkin?
Ommaviy ishlab chiqarishdan oldin har doim ishlab chiqarishdan oldingi namuna;
Yuk tashishdan oldin har doim yakuniy tekshirish;

3. bizdan nimani sotib olishingiz mumkin?
ventilyator debriyaji, ventilyator debriyaji, debriyaj ventilyatori, fan pichog'i, elektr fan debriyaji

4. nega bizdan boshqa etkazib beruvchilardan emas, balki sotib olish kerak?
Fabrikamız SHANGHAI yaqinidagi Taicang shahrida joylashgan. Fan va fan debriyaji uchun bizda qariyb 20 yillik texnik tajribamiz bor. bizning hamkorimiz butun dunyoni qamrab oldi. Kamroq yoqilg'i iste'moli, barcha brendlar qo'llanilishi mumkin, atrof-muhitga mos

5. qanday xizmatlarni taqdim etishimiz mumkin?
Qabul qilingan yetkazib berish shartlari: FOB;
Qabul qilingan to'lov valyutasi: USD, CNY;
Qabul qilingan to'lov turi: T / T, L / C, D / PD / A, Western Union, Naqd pul;
So'zlashadigan til: ingliz, xitoy


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